Catalysing action: Time for a transformative global health agenda for women and cancer
Women's cancers pose a substantial global health issue, disproportionately affecting women in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and highlight the inequities in healthcare access and quality. The impact of women's cancers extends beyond individual health, affecting families, communities, and societies, with disruptions in caregiving roles and hindrances to economic development. In parallel, the growing awareness of gender-based approaches in the health agenda and the momentum created by the WHO women's cancers initiatives now provide strategic frameworks for action. Additionally, innovations in technology provide the necessary ingredients to advance progress in women's cancer control in the context of “changing times” on women’s rights worldwide.
With these unprecedented opportunities and responsibility for women and communities, how to catalyse global action towards the implementation of the women’s cancers agenda? In this interactive session, leaders will discuss how stakeholders engaged in women’s cancers can transform health policies and interventions to achieve women's cancers control in an integrated manner. After a panel presentation, illustrating perspectives from various stakeholders engaged in women’s cancers, the audience will discuss concrete ways to intensify collective efforts for women’s cancers control. Conversations will include growing political will, engaging in efficient multi-partnerships, scaling-up innovative solutions and addressing health financing in a more holistic way.